15 Changing list entries

The List Editor is used to change the contents of drop-down lists associated with custom attributes within MyID. Custom attributes are fields that have been added to the standard application, either by your organization or by Intercede on your behalf. If any of these new fields are associated with drop-down lists, you can change their contents using this workflow.

You can use the List Editor to change the list of document types used as Identity Documents to authenticate users during Assisted Activation, Reset Card PIN, or Unlock Credential; the lists of available documents for these operations are determined by the Authenticate Person Document1 and Authenticate Person Document2 lists.

You can also change the list of document types used in the Authenticate Person workflow; the lists of available documents for this operation are determined by the Primary Identification Document and Secondary Identification Document lists.

Note: The information you enter into these lists is not translated.

  1. From the Configuration category, select the List Editor workflow.

    You can also launch this workflow from the Configuration Settings section of the More category in the MyID Operator Client. See the Using Configuration Settings workflows section in the MyID Operator Client guide for details.

  2. Select which list you want to edit in the Picklist field.
  3. If you want to make changes to an existing item, select it.

    The item’s current details are displayed at the bottom of the page.

    To delete the selected item, click Delete Item.

    Note: To select a different item, click the box next to the entry. To change your selection, click a different box. You can select only one item at a time. If you want to clear your selection, click Deselect Item.

  4. To enter details for a list entry:

    1. In Display Value, enter or change the value that is displayed in the list.
    2. In Value, enter the value that is stored in the database when this option is selected.
    3. If you want this entry to be the default option when the list is displayed, select Default.
    4. Click either Add New Item (if this is a new list entry) or Modify Item if you are changing an existing entry.

      Note: Add New Item is disabled until you have entered the required details.

Your new or modified list items are now available for selection.

Warning: If you change the value of a list entry, records that contain the previous values will not be affected. You need to consider carefully how your changes will affect the consistency of your data.